What you need to know about the analysis of S in fuels by WDXRF
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 9, 2019 2:49:42 PM / by Kim Halkiotis posted in XRF, WDXRF, monitor, Sulfur in oil
Tips for the analysis of lead in Se and Bi bearing (SeBiloy) copper base alloys by WDXRF
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 19, 2019 3:02:25 PM / by James Haddad PhD posted in WDXRF, copper base alloys
Are you getting unexpectedly high lead values while analyzing Se-Bi-Cu alloys by WD-XRF?
New ARMI Analytical Capabilities
[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 20, 2017 2:53:35 PM / by Dave Coler posted in ICP, WDXRF, Custom Reference Materials
LGC ARMI now has new analytical capabilities including ICP-OES, ICP-MS and WDXRF in our Manchester, NH facility. Our ISO 17025 laboratory is also equipped with the new ColdBlock rapid digestion system as well as other conventional sample preparation equipment.