CRM Solutions

New CRMs for May 2020 - Low Alloy Steel, Cast Fe and Pb-free Sn Solder

[fa icon="calendar'] May 14, 2020 9:15:00 AM / by Kim Halkiotis posted in Certified Reference Materials, metal alloys, low alloy steel, metal CRMs, Steel CRMs, Cast Iron

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Here at ARMI | MBH the new product production is continuing to move forward. I am proud to announce the release of 5 additional new CRMs this week in the MBH portfolio.  (click on the links in the names of each part to see the certificates of analysis.)

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New Reference Materials for December 2019

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 3, 2019 10:08:00 AM / by Dave Coler posted in stainless steel alloys, low alloy steel, Cast Iron, copper base alloys

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Here at ARMI | MBH we are excited to report that we have completed the integration of MBH Analytical into our Manchester, NH facilities.  Throughout the integration the teams have continued to develop new products for the combined portfolio of metal alloy reference materials. Now as we begin December, I am pleased to introduce 7 new CRM products.

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New MBH Reference Materials

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 7, 2019 4:37:22 PM / by Dave Coler posted in metal alloys, Cast Iron, magnesium alloys

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In December we acquired MBH Analytical located in the UK which dramatically increased enhanced the breath of our reference material portfolio.  MBH adds a significant amount of custom compositions for steels, cast irons, zinc, copper, magnesium, tin and lead alloys to our combined product lines.

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New Reference Material for Cast Iron Welding applications

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 4, 2018 4:55:46 PM / by Dave Coler posted in nickel alloys, welding alloys, Cast Iron

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 One of the most common ways to weld cast iron is by stick or arc welding.   The stick is an electrode covered with flux or filler material. The most common filler material for welding cast iron are nickel alloys.  The chemical composition of the filler material can impact the quality of the weld so it is important to have reference materials to verify the composition.   Reliance Foundry provides a very good discussion of the procedures for welding cast iron in their blog post “How to Weld Cast Iron”.

There are few reference materials available for verifying the chemical composition of welding fillers so we decided create one in collaboration with Special Metals.   This new reference material called IARM-Ni244H-18  and  is based on  a is a nickel-iron-manganese alloy that is used as welding filler material and sold under the commercial name of NI-ROD® 44 Filler Metal.

The IARM Ni244H-18 has 22 major and minor elements certified as well as informational values for an additional 55 trace elements.   The unique major element composition of this alloy (41.1% Ni, 39.9% Fe, 10.9% Mn and 6.9% Cr) make it extremely useful as a sample to extend the calibration ranges for XRF and OE applications as well as a calibration monitor sample.

This reference material is available as  38mm x 3mm disks for XRF, 38mm x 19mm disks for OE or as chips for ICP-OES and ICP-MS applications.  The certificate of analysis for this reference material available for download on our new product page.

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