CRM Solutions

New ARMI Analytical Capabilities

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 20, 2017 2:53:35 PM / by Dave Coler

Dave Coler

LGC ARMI now has new analytical capabilities including ICP-OES, ICP-MS and WDXRF in our Manchester, NH facility.  Our ISO 17025 laboratory is also equipped with the new ColdBlock rapid digestion system as well as other conventional sample preparation equipment.ColdBlock In the lab

Our laboratory is used for homogeneity testing of raw material candidates for new reference materials as well as for contributing the overall analytical data pool used in our CRM certification process.  While our CRM product portfolio consists primarily of metal alloy reference materials we also can produce CRMs for a wide range of geological and industrial applications including cement and slags.

Our laboratory is also capable of  producing custom reference materials suited to specific customer needs.  It’s often difficult to find certified reference materials to complete calibration ranges for every quality control process, so ARMI can produce reference materials or CRM’s from customer material.  The production of custom CRM’s includes homogeneity testing, chemical analysis, bottling and a certificate of analysis.

While our laboratory is primarily used for the production 
and certification of reference materials we can also provide commercial analyses on a  contract basis.

If you need custom reference materials or have suggestions for new reference materials please contact us and we would be happy to assist you.



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Topics: ICP, WDXRF, Custom Reference Materials

Dave Coler

Written by Dave Coler

General Manager at LGC ARMI

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