Our ARMI | MBH team is continuing their work to develop more new products to ensure that we can provide the products you need for your analytical testing. We are proud to announce the release of 6 new CRMs including one leaded brass, and 5 lead alloys. If you want to learn more about any one of products listed you can simply click on the links to view the certificate of analysis.
NEW September CRMs - Leaded brass and lead alloys
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 17, 2020 10:34:38 AM / by Kim Halkiotis posted in Certified Reference Materials, metal alloys, metal CRMs, copper base alloys, Lead CRMS, Leaded brass
New Lead, Zinc and Nitrogen Steel Reference Materials
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 27, 2019 6:18:34 AM / by Dave Coler posted in Lead CRMS, Zinc CRMS
We are pleased to introduce five new certified reference materials in our MBH product line. These new CRMs include two lead alloys, two zinc based galvanizing alloys and one high nitrogen stainless steel.