Our team has been hard at work and we are excited to add five new copper CRMs to our product portfolio. Copper can be alloyed with a wide range of elements enabling highly specific functions and applications. The large compositional range of copper alloys means that high-quality, matrix-matched reference materials are needed for proper analysis of each alloy.
James Haddad PhD
Recent Posts
NEW Copper CRMs
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 26, 2021 10:34:49 AM / by James Haddad PhD posted in Certified Reference Materials, Custom Reference Materials, Copper CRMs
NEW Ferroalloy CRMs
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 25, 2021 10:00:00 AM / by James Haddad PhD posted in Certified Reference Materials, metal alloys, metal CRMs, ferroalloys
Our team at ARMI | MBH is continuing their work to develop more new products to ensure that we can provide the products you need for your analytical testing. If you want to learn more about any one of products listed you can simply click on the links to view the certificate of analysis.
Tips for the analysis of lead in Se and Bi bearing (SeBiloy) copper base alloys by WDXRF
[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 19, 2019 3:02:25 PM / by James Haddad PhD posted in WDXRF, copper base alloys
Are you getting unexpectedly high lead values while analyzing Se-Bi-Cu alloys by WD-XRF?