How to Digest Nickel 718 Alloy
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 7, 2018 7:30:00 AM / by Dave Coler posted in 718 alloy, coldBlock, icp sample preparation
New Nickel and Titanium Alloy CRM's
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 7, 2017 8:00:00 AM / by Dave Coler posted in Titanium Alloys, nickel alloys, 625 alloy, 718 alloy
Its college graduation season here in the US and we here at ARMI are proud to announce the graduation of out next batch of certified reference materials for the metals industry. The graduates are IARM 54G, IARM 56H and IARM 271B.
54G is a 625 Nickel alloy and replaces 54F. 56H is a 718 Nickel alloy and replaces 54G. 271B is a 5-2.5 Titanium alloy.