CRM Solutions

The new ARMI | MBH catalog is ready to view!

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 23, 2019 10:00:00 AM / by Kim Halkiotis posted in metal alloys, metal CRMs, Custom Reference Materials, Catalog

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The new ARMI | MBH combined catalog offers the largest portfolio of metal alloy reference materials of any provider in the industry.

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How to Prepare Metal Alloy Samples for Analysis by XRF

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 28, 2019 2:58:38 PM / by Kim Halkiotis posted in XRF, Sample Preparation, metal alloys

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Metal samples are often considered to be one of the easiest sample types to measure using XRF, but an incorrectly prepared surface can have a huge impact on the quality of the measured data. The quality of the sample preparation will impact every aspect of the analysis, from the calibration through to analysis of unknown materials.

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New MBH Reference Materials

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 7, 2019 4:37:22 PM / by Dave Coler posted in metal alloys, Cast Iron, magnesium alloys

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In December we acquired MBH Analytical located in the UK which dramatically increased enhanced the breath of our reference material portfolio.  MBH adds a significant amount of custom compositions for steels, cast irons, zinc, copper, magnesium, tin and lead alloys to our combined product lines.

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New Products for the New Year

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 4, 2019 3:30:02 PM / by Dave Coler posted in metal alloys, nickel alloys, low alloy steel, titanium alloy

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Reducing Contamination in the Preparation of Metal Alloys for Analysis by ICP

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 31, 2017 8:00:00 AM / by Susan J. Evans Norris posted in Sample Preparation, metal alloys, ICP

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We have received several questions regarding the best approach to cleaning solid samples and standards that have been prepared as chips for analysis by a total dissolution technique, such as ICP-OES or ICP-MS. Let’s first discuss common approaches for sampling, and then appropriate methodologies for ensuring chips are clean and free from contamination.

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How to Prepare Metal Alloy Samples for Analysis by ICP-OES or ICP-MS

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 23, 2017 5:57:49 PM / by Susan J. Evans Norris posted in Sample Preparation, metal alloys, ICP, coldBlock, Microwave digestion, HotBlock

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Metal alloys are commonly analyzed using solid sampling techniques such as Arc/spark optical emission spectroscopy (A/S OES), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (both Energy Dispersive (ED-XRF) and Wavelength Dispersive (WD-XRF)), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). These techniques provide fast analysis with little or no sample preparation required, and can be provided as portable units, and in the case of XRF, hand-held units, for maximum flexibility. These techniques also are considered non-destructive in that the metal alloy is left largely unchanged after analysis, and is available for further testing or archiving.

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Improve your ICP-OES Performance by using an Internal Standard

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 2, 2017 12:40:33 PM / by Susan J. Evans Norris posted in Certified Reference Materials, metal alloys, ICP

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The use of an Internal Standard (IS) can significantly improve both the accuracy and precision of your ICP-OES analytical results. This post addresses:  how internal standards work, how to select an appropriate IS element, and how this methodology can be easily incorporated into your lab’s analytical procedures.

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New Product Release: IARM 282A and 4F

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 12, 2017 12:43:49 PM / by Dave Coler posted in XRF, metal alloys, stainless steel alloys, Haynes alloys

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LGC ARMI is pleased to announce the release of two new standards, IARM 282A and IARM 4F.    

These reference materials are available in three different forms depending on your analytical technique; 38mm diamater x 3mm thickness for XRF, 38mm diameter x 19mm thickness for arc spark OES or as chips for analysis by ICP or AA.

Download the Certificates   IARM 282A 


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