CRM Solutions

The new ARMI | MBH catalog is ready to view!

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 23, 2019 10:00:00 AM / by Kim Halkiotis

Kim Halkiotis

The new ARMI | MBH combined catalog offers the largest portfolio of metal alloy reference materials of any provider in the industry.

ARMI-MBH 2020 Catalog Image

In the fall of 2019, LGC Standards combined the 1000+ products of  MBH analytical with the 400+ products of ARMI, to bring our portfolio to over 1400 products. In addition to the existing products, we continue to focus on development of new CRMs as the needs of our customers expand and change. All of our new products are put through a rigorous certification process, including homogeneity testing and inter-laboratory testing. The labs utilize a variety of testing equipment to help minimize technique bias in the results, and the certification process is completed at our ISO 17043 accredited facility in Manchester, NH.  

Our Proficiency Test Program (PTP) also benefits from the newly expanded portfolio. The broader portfolio allows a larger selection of our own materials for our metal alloy proficiency testing program, allowing us to select an alloy for your PT sample which best fits your application needs.   

We now have all of the MBH inventory in our state of the art Manchester NH facility, where our technicians utilize cutting-edge machining and engraving equipment to prepare and provide custom packaging for our metal alloy CRMS. With this added capability, we have upgraded our packaging to ensure that your CRMs arrive without damage and with the certificate stored in the box, so it is always accessible.

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     New ARMI Packaging_Cropped

In addition to the traditional metal alloy CRMS, we also have the ability, with our ISO/IEC17025 accredited analytical laboratory, to provide custom reference materials. Our lab experts have access to a variety of instrumentation, including WD-XRF, ICP, and Arc/Spark. Download our catalog to browse yourself for the perfect reference materials, or contact us for more information on our capabilities, and let us help you solve your reference material challenges.

Download ARMI | MBH Catalog               


Topics: metal alloys, metal CRMs, Custom Reference Materials, Catalog

Kim Halkiotis

Written by Kim Halkiotis

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