CRM Solutions

ARMI | MBH Now a Distributer of Nieka

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 12, 2020 9:45:00 AM / by Kim Halkiotis

Kim Halkiotis

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Any good analyst knows that one of the most critical steps for obtaining good analytical results is sample preparation, and reliable instrumentation that makes sample preparation easier is essential in today's busy labs. Fused beads are generally considered to be the perfect sample for XRF analysis, but you need a good, reliable, fusion device to obtain reproducible sample preparation. G4-A High res_CroppedThe ability to precisely control all aspects of the fusion process is critical in creating reproducible glass beads that can live up to the rigorous performance requirements of ASTM methods such as C-114 for cement analysis.

Our production lab uses the Nieka GS-4a to produce high-quality glass beads, and based on our experience with this robust and reliable machine, we have decided to offer it to our customers. I am very happy to announce our new distributor relationship with Nieka. 

The system is safe, and simple to use, with a large integrated touch screen and a safety door which locks until the cooling step is over, minimizing the possibility of burns from touching hot Platinum. Reproducibility of the fusion process is guaranteed by several built in features, including configurable, efficient agitation, detailed control of gas values, and advanced self monitoring.  All of this means you will get the same performance bead after bead, regardless of which position it is fused in.

The Nieka GS-4 series of instruments are simple to set up, utilizing a single gas line, with no compressed air or oxygen needed to boost the fusion temperature.  Available options include one that does only fused glass beads, one that does only solutions, or a hybrid system that can do both. If you would like more information on this incredible system,  visit our web-page, download the brochure, or request a quote.


Request Quote GS-4


Topics: Sample Preparation

Kim Halkiotis

Written by Kim Halkiotis

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