CRM Solutions

Reference Materials get Physical

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 13, 2021 11:45:00 AM / by Dave Coler

Dave Coler

We are pleased to announce that we have added a complete range of physical reference materials to our product portfolio through our recent acquisition of Paragon Scientific. The Paragon portfolio compliments the elemental analysis products we currently offer under our VHG, ARMI and MBH Industrial sector brands and provides a more complete offering to our customers.

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Paragon Scientific was founded in 1994 in the UK, originally to support the physical testing needs of the petrochemical industry. The company has expanded its product line to support the general purpose physical testing needs of a wide range of market applications.

The Paragon range of physical reference materials covers an expansive single and multi-component ISO 17034 accredited certified reference material portfolio. While ideal for supporting petrochemical testing and fuel analysis laboratories, the product range also includes general purpose physical reference materials for measuring density, refractive index and viscosity.

Many of the most common physical reference material categories and associated test methods are shown below.

Product Method 
Viscosity  ASTM D86, IP 123, ISO 3405
Flash Point Cleveland Open Cup, Pensky-Martens Closed Cup, Abel Closed-Cup and TAG Closed Cup
Cold Filter Plugging Point IP 309, EN 116, ASTM D6371
Cloud Point  IP 219, ISO 3015 , EN 23015, ASTM D2500
Freezing Point  ASTM D2386, IP 16, ISO 3013
Pour Point ASTM D97, IP 15, ISO 3016
Distillation  ASTM D86, IP 123,  ISO 3405 
Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME)  EN 14078, IP 579
Density  ASTM D4052, IP 365


We are very pleased to have the Paragon team and these exciting products in the LGC Industrials business unit so that we can better support the overall testing needs of our customers.

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Learn more about the Paragon Scientific products by downloading our catalog or reach out to us directly for any questions you may have.


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Topics: Certified Reference Materials, Paragon Scientific, Physicals

Dave Coler

Written by Dave Coler

General Manager at LGC ARMI

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